Graffiti Mural Beautification Initiative

The Graffiti Mural Beautification Initiative (GMBI) is designed to revitalize underserved areas with immersive art pieces. Established by the Temple of Hip Hop & the Fine Art of Hip Hop (501c3 Non-Profit), the GMBI provides a sustainable alternative to graffiti removal while enriching communities through public art installations.

The initiative’s murals with protective coatings allow for financial savings in areas which require constant graffiti removal, in addition to monetization of the art and grassroots solutions to enrich the community.

The GMBI also aims to educate art students to maintain public art pieces and develop career opportunities for future muralists.

Get Involved!

The following online submission process allows you to propose a mural idea and location, as well as recommend artists.

If you are an artist interested in working with the Graffiti Mural Beautification Initiative, please visit our Artist Submission Form submission form to be considered for mural and public art installation opportunities.

Please access the Location Submission Form to submit a site for a mural and the related details. The location form is recommended for shop owners, restauranteurs, supporters, community organizers, school administrators, business operators and property owners that are interested in installing a mural. Confirmation of property owners’ approval of the final design will be required before the artwork is installed.


‘Overdose Awareness’ Mural installed during Art Basel 2023 by CUSHKAN, DUSTO & HTC in Wynwood (Miami); Supported by Miami-Dade Arts, Conundrum Records & the Temple of Hip Hop.

‘Fatman Scoop Memorial’ Mural installed during Hip Hop History Month 2024 by CUSHKAN & DNERT in Wynwood (Miami); Supported by Awesome Foundation, Miami-Dade Arts & the Temple of Hip Hop.

‘DBZ’ Mural installed during Art Basel 2024 (Completed 2025) by CUSHKAN, DUSTO, Sure Elsure, NEDL, DTK Crew & HTC. Located near the corner of 28th Street & 3rd Avenue (260 NW 28th ST) in Wynwood; Supported by Awesome Foundation, Miami-Dade Arts & the Temple of Hip Hop. Currently available for public viewing!

Mural Idea & Location Submission 

We’re looking for great ideas and locations to collaborate with neighborhoods!

Our community-driven mural installation process is open to everyone. It builds on the Graffiti Mural Beautification Initiative’s vision for a beautified and equally prosperous South Florida, while empowering the next generations of muralists. In addition to beautifying our neighborhoods, public art fosters a sense of belonging and empowers communities to tell their own stories. We are looking for ideas that celebrate the uniqueness of South Florida and create unity through art.

Submit your mural ideas & locations by following the Location Submission Form

How to Apply as an Artist or Student?

Fill out the Artist Submission Form to be considered as an artist or student for the Graffiti Mural Beautification initiative! 

If you need assistance or a paper application, please contact the Fine Art of Hip Hop Project Management Office at You can fill out the application at any time. 

Fine Art of Hip Hop staff reviews applications on a rolling basis. Please allow up to 30 days from location and artist submissions for a response from the Project Management Office.


Donations are accepted via GoFundMe for the Graffiti Mural Beautification Initiative & the Fine Art of Hip Hop.

Purchase, stream & share Vicious Teknique’s “Fine Art” to support the Graffiti Mural Beautification Initiative with half of royalties being donated to the GMBI.